boobs fine, hormones wonky

MRI results are in. Boobs show nothing fascinating, or bad in any case.

Apparently my estrogen was at the high point of the month and made my fsh level hard to interpret. I had my amh (anti-mullerian hormone) levels checked on wednesday. this is a good indicator of ovarian reserve. I'm pleased to see that when facing possible early menopause my womb isn't making growling noises. I'm deep down done having babies but not too keen on the idea of an extra twenty-plus years of hormone replacement therapy until I reach a normal age of shriveling. HRT increases my already ridiculously high risk of breast cancer and has had me scouring the Internet for options. Upwards of 65% of women who were treated for hodgkin's disease face early menopause (<40), much higher depending on the study. anyway, nothing much to think about until the results are.