i feel i would be remiss in not mentioning just how strongly i feel about this proposition 8 bullshit that is trying to go down here in california.

last week as i was driving highway 17 to my dad's house, traffic came to an almost complete halt (both directions) approaching one of the major pedestrian overpasses in san jose. 50-75 people were protesting with 'protect marriage: yes on 8' (and other less savory) signs. protesting what exactly, i'm not sure... homesexuality? door to door salesmen selling 'gay'? their children sharing buses and drinking fountains with queer classmates? i was very pleased to hear very little honking in response to the 'honk if you wanna save marriage' banner. but really, by the time i got to my dad's for dinner, i was feeling pretty sick to my stomach over the whole thing. (and now, looking at that poster, i feel a little sick too. that's not MY perfect nuclear family. that's not ME pushing those 'values' on to my kids. blech. but it looks warm and fuzzy and family, doesn't it???)

it comes down to this: prop 8 'changes the california constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in california and provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in california.' SOURCE

*proponents of prop 8 state that 'proposition 8 is about preserving marriage; it’s not an attack on the gay lifestyle. proposition 8 doesn’t take away any rights or benefits of gay or lesbian domestic partnerships. under california law, “domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections, and benefits” as married spouses. (Family Code § 297.5.)' SOURCE

too bad this ISN'T TRUE. domestic partnerships and civil unions AREN'T THE SAME as marriages. they DO NOT AFFORD the same rights as marriage under (almost all) state and federal laws.

The most significant difference between marriage and civil unions (or domestic partnerships) is that only marriage offers federal benefits and protections.

According to the federal government's General Accounting Office (GAO), more than 1,100 rights and protections are conferred to U.S. citizens upon marriage. Areas affected include Social Security benefits, veterans' benefits, health insurance, Medicaid, hospital visitation, estate taxes, retirement savings, pensions, family leave, and immigration law.

Because same-sex marriages in Massachusetts and California, civil unions, and domestic partnerships are not federally recognized, any benefits available at the state or local level are subject to federal taxation.

this means, among other things, that unless you are married, you CAN NOT file jointly on your federal tax return.

* proponents of prop 8 go on to state that '[proposition 8] protects our children from being taught in public schools that “same-sex marriage” is the same as traditional marriage.' SOURCE

wow, i must have slept through those courses on marriage in my almost 20 years of schooling... i don't remember the class on heterosexual. but you know what? i get it. i don't want my children being taught that anyone different from themselves exist either... can we make ammendments so that my kids aren't taught conservative or christian or non-californian or black/asian/middle eastern or vegan or asshole?

i'd like to open this up for a friendly(ish) discussion. if you disagree with me (us) tell me (us) why (why shouldn't gays be allowed to marry? file joint tax returns? why shouldn't children know about gays (though this is a FALSE part of the prop)? why should marriage be defined as between a man and a woman, only?) i'll be nice, honest! ;)