waiting game

ugh. another one of "those" days. i had a 4.15 appointment at planned parenthood for a pap and consult about getting an iud. i got there at 4.00. they finally called me back at 5.45. and told me the wait would be another hour. i left. they made me an appointment for 8.45 tomorrow morning and told me to be there at 7.30. i "might not have to wait." the thought of dragging the kids out of bed at that time just doesn't appeal to me so i'm going to call my insurance and see how much they'll cover if i just go through my regular ob instead.

i feel like there has been a lot of waiting going on lately. waiting for the next round of bad news where r is concerned. waiting for things to be finalized. waiting for my next vacation. waiting for naptime or bedtime or dinner time. waiting for the weather to change or someone to call or come over. waiting for something to come along and shock me out of the funk of this lame week.