so be it. so it is.

this balloon saved our sanity on the drive.

it drizzled today but being with family makes rain okay even in the middle of august. my dad and i keep saying, it's nice . . . for november. we're california people through and through (though i was born here).

the day was spent with two giant albacore tuna that we had for dinner. dad and al filleted them, di, gramma and i marinated them. dad cooked them. 30 of us (14 kids 13 and under) devoured them and noni's calamari, fresh beets, salad, bread and s'mores. these events are always centered around food, beer, and coffee, as life should be.

conversation has been transcendental. my cousin gave me a goddess card reading which was right on (past present future) in many ways. i drew one for myself: endings & beginnings (!); i'm feeling good about the endings right now and excited about the beginnings. i may go see our family psychic while we're up here. metaphysical things keep coming into my life lately so why not embrace it (no bad news please)? i'm going to start meditating again (did zen in college) following the practice in the book b gave me. my aunt picked up the book too so i won't be the only one doing the five pillars. i know i can manifest parking spaces (even though i only half believe this crap, ha) and i'm going to start working on some bigger things.

we also talked about moving to sicily which is something a large number of us really want to do. i tried to recreate my experience of a rooftop lunch overlooking the mediterranean the other day but despite some wonderful crusty bread, salami, cheese, an heirloom tomato and some olives it just wasn't the same. it's so hard to try and share something like that that really can't be put into words, something that loses its meaning in translation. someday, with someone, eh?

dear universe, someday soon please.

beet hands. beat generation.