bury me in the library

i'm a book whore. there, i've said it. i love to read. anything and everything. i have a very difficult time parting with even the worst books (see: left behind *hangs head in shame* (i keep it in the comedy section of the bookcase)). i'm obsessed with the great deals on used books i get at the thrift store. i have all my childhood books and 99% of my college textbooks (where 1% = calculus book). even when i'm flat broke (read: now) i cannot step into a book store without buying myself and the kids each a book. i have books that are so painfully wonderful to me that i cannot read them again for fear of dying before i get to the end.

my top three books are (in no particular order):

1) ocean sea by allesandro baricco
2) welcome to the monkey house by kurt vonnegut
3) a soldier of the great war by mark helprin

there are so many books that come in at number four and five that i cannot add to the list without it being a completely meaningless tie.

part of my dream when it comes to this chocolate business is to eventually have a storefront where we can sell our pasteries and chocolates, rare/used books, ben's art, italian pottery, and my own writing.