yesterday we got up at 3.15am (california time) and my grandpa took us to sfo. our flight left at 6am, right on time. four hours later *bam!* we're in texas. we walked through the terminal, took a little potty stop and boarded our next plane. it took off 40 minutes late but somehow we got to dc on time. (why don't they just fly faster and get there earlier?) nothing exciting happened on the first leg, or rather, if anything interesting did happen i was too tired to notice. the second leg we sat in the family section. there was a man flying alone with his 5 month old baby. they both slept the whole flight. there was a single woman flying with her three kids (10y boy, 8y girl g, 2.5y girl). she was breastfeeding the youngest 'cause the poor thing was sick. i gave her props and wondered if she was an mdc mama. then there was a family with an almost 2 year old boy and a 3 DAY old boy. the newborn was being propped up with a bottle the whole time. *wahh* i wanted to nurse it so badly. *shut your mouths* you mdc-ers know what i mean...maybe.
hotel guy came and picked us up and we checked in. great hotel. $116/night incudes the room, hot catered breakfast AND a fully stocked 24hour FREE snack kitchen (crackers, soups, granola bars, trail mix, popcorn, milk, soda, juice, ice cream, yogurt, teas, coffees, cookies. salads and sandwiches are coming later this week.).
we showered and walked downtown alexandria for a late dinner. we went to the
"internationally famous" fish market. try the "hot" spiced shrimp. YUM. 'renzo fell asleep on the way there; parker waited so she could fall asleep at the table.
the kids slept until 11 this morning (love jetlag) and we putzed around town until my mom got really sick and we took a cab back to the hotel. hopefully she'll feel better when she wakes up - we're taking the metro into dc for fireworks.
wow. it's humid here. that's sweat in the fountain, not water...