Your children are adorable!Two questions-why did you choose to eliminate those certain foods? (okay...three questions...what were renzo's symptoms?-I have an almost six month old girl), and where did you get the high chair on your September 22 post?
why thank you, we think they're pretty darn cute too! 'renzo was seeming generally fussy, kind of colicky. he'd be gassy at times and arch his back. miss p was sensitive to dairy through my milk so i cut that out actually before he was born. the one time i had ice cream after he was born he was miserable the next night. just through trial and error i found out that eggs and soy upset his tummy too. i kept a food journal and noted his behavior. as for the
awesome high chair: we got it at babies r us when parker was a baby. it is chicco brand and well worth the money. we used to take it to restaurants (it folds pretty compact). here's the
link to it!