growing strong

'renzo had his (almost) four month checkup yesterday with dr. sabina and he's doing quite splendidly. he's 14 pounds 5 ounces (50th percentile) and 26 inches (90th percentile). at the same age parker was about 12 pounds and 25 inches. that extra two+ pounds makes a big difference when you're lugging them around all day. mr. baby is of course physically and mentally advanced for his age, but we already knew that.

the one issue that we've been dealing with since day one is the thrush. we've abandoned the gentian violet as it was making him gassy and fussy. instead i'll be swabbing his mouth (and my nipples) with organic chamomile tea. since the thrush hasn't ever really bothered either one of us there isn't any reason to choose a more aggressive treatment. it's something that he'll likely just outgrow.