ocd, yeah you know me

*sigh* this has been a reaaaallly long week. and it's only tuesday. the kids have been alternately (and sometimes simultaneously) fussy for days now. my lower back and shoulders are killing me from bouncing/slinging/walking/twisting/nursing. i'm pooped. i'm tired of the crying/yelling/whining/fussing we've all been doing. in case you thought otherwise, having two is WAY harder than having one. don't let anyone tell you anything different.

our big adventure today was to baby depot. mr. baby has outgrown all of his 0-3 month clothes. thankfully my dad's neighbor gave me some 3-6 month ones (though they're mostly winter things) and he's had enough to get by one. we needed some t-shirts though AND a binky. that's right. a binky. before i had 'renzo i didn't believe in binkys. i mean, i believed that they existed, i just didn't believe there was a need for them. ha. this child likes to nurse-when he's hungry. and only when he's hungry. any other time (when he's fussy, when we're driving, when he wants to go to sleep) he wants a finger to suck on. well, a finger is great by me. but then what the hell do i do when i'm driving alone? or trying to brush parker's teeth? or going pee? i give him the godforsaken binky...and he loves it! IT. THE ONE BINKY.


not ANY of THESE BINKYS. no way jose (as parker says).

just that one (apparently limited edition) binky that they don't make anymore! seriously. that binky was purchased for parker three years ago (that thing never saw the inside of HER mouth!) and is now no longer made!!! so i'm completely terrified that THE binky will be lost or ruined before i can track another one down on ebay or something! you may not that the binky has irregular edges. that's because i dropped it in the flame on the stove by accident one day when i was trying to sterilize it in boiling water. it melted and i nearly burned my fingers off trying to rescue it!