cramping my style

so i think tuesday (three days ago) marks the beginning of what may wind up being a very long labor. for the last few days i've been having really bad cramping, alternating with contractions, alternating with major cervical pressure (and by pressure i mean pain). mr. baby is definately adjusting his position. rosanna checked me at my appointment and said i'm a little dialated and that she could feel the little rascals head. all of this of course means absolutely nothing in terms of when he'll make his appearance. please refrain from calling/emailing/texting me every five minutes and asking for updates! ;o) i'm just trying to rest as much as i can and keep busy when i'm not resting!

parker and i went with my dad and maria to a reggae concert in the park last night. parker rocked out with some other little kids. the highlight of my evening was when some thugs opened the door to the port-a-potty where i was hovering my big butt (with parker in the sling, no less). no, i don't have pictures of that.