have i mentioned that parker gave up her nap, cold turkey, last week? i thought it was going to be awful but most days it works out really well. she wakes up between 9 and 10 and then is ready to crash again between 9 and 10. instead of wrestling with her for 30-90 minutes at bedtime she is out in under 5 minutes. literally. it's a freakin' miracle. there have been two nights where she went hysterical balistic when i tried to brush her teeth and threw such terrible tantrums that she actually left me in tears. but, after they're over she's asleep and i can unwind for a while before going to sleep. this also means that she's down to one or two nursings a day, if that. i can't believe how fast this all goes.
how about another then, then, and now?
April 2004

April 2005

April 2006
how about another then, then, and now?
April 2004

April 2005

April 2006