so no pukes until this morning again. same thing, she went to sit up and barfed curdled breastmilk all over the bed. yummy. no sign of the runs and she felt well enough to go for a walk. along the way she ate 3/4 of a tangerine, a slice of asian pear, and some goldfish. dear god, let that be the last we see of them.
***UPDATE 9.45***
nothing until about a half hour ago when she puked all over the floor. thankfully she gave us a little warning and we were able to lay down a blanket. i have a call into the on call doc.
***UPDATE 9.45***
nothing until about a half hour ago when she puked all over the floor. thankfully she gave us a little warning and we were able to lay down a blanket. i have a call into the on call doc.