people are jerks.

today i had my first encounter with the other side. mom, parker and i went up to stanford to visit my grandma jacquie who is in the hospital (more on that later). we all visited for a while and when p became cranky around her usual nap-time, I took her out to the waiting room to nurse her to sleep. (there was no room in my gram's hospital room.) i sit and nurse her for about 15 minutes until i realize that two women (about 30) are talking about me, and staring, completely disgusted, not 10 feet away. one of them makes eye contact with me and then looks at her friend and says "i wouldn't even do that in front of my family or friends." the other replies, "my breastfeeding SIL has the decency to take the baby to the car to feed it." "that's just gross." and on and on... then they proceed to get an older man and woman involved and some guy who i suppose was a brother or friend. the five of them sat there and talked about me for 10 minutes until i couldn't take it anymore. i flushed and barely made it out of the room before I started crying. of course now i'm kicking myself for not saying all the things i have prepared to say in this very situation, since day one... BREASTS ARE FOR NURSING; GET OVER IT!