
have you heard of mike and debi pearl? they are to spankers/cry-it-outers what dr. sears is to gentle parenting. in other words NUTS! they wrote the awful book to train up a child. i found the following quote on their website "no greater joy" in the toddler training section.

Q. Please give me a description of the switch or rod of which you so often speak. I wish you could send me one so I could see it.

A. The rod we speak of is a plumbing supply line that can be bought at any hardware store or large department store. It is a slim, flexible, plastic tubing that supplies water to sinks, and toilets. Ask for "¼ inch supply line." They cost less than one dollar. I always give myself one swat before I swat the child to remind myself how much force to exert. It stings the skin without bruising or damaging tissue. It’s a real attention-getter.

thanks debi, i'm sure it is! now, if only someone could tell me how to get parker to stop touching my gun collection. *scratches head thougtfully* huh? you can mike? gee, thanks!

Our first book on child training, To Train Up A Child, contained an illustration of how we trained our children not to touch guns by placing an unloaded and broken gun in the living room where the children could reach it.We carefully watched them. If they touched it, we spanked their hand with a little switch. One to three switchings was sufficient to prevent the little crawlers and toddlers from ever touching a gun.