There are poor people in india with no air conditioning

thank god, we have air conditioning finally. what a freakin' relief!

the exterminator came this morning and seems to have gotten rid of most of the ants by spraying outside and underneath the house. we had to wipe down all the places the buggers walked with windex because apparently they make scent trails to remind them where they came from. so now there are a few lone ants wandering completely confused around the living room and kitchen.

so, i was reading my book (bradbury still) last night and found the most interesting passage:

his wife smiled in her sleep.


she's immortal. she has a son.

your son, too!

but what father ever really believes it? he carries no burden, feels no pain. what man, like woman, lies down in the darkness and gets up with a child? the gentle, smiling ones own the good secret. oh, what strange wonderful clocks women are. they nest in Time. they make the flesh that holds fast and binds eternity. they live inside the gift, know power, accept, and need not mention it. why speak of Time when you are Time, and shape the universal moments, as they pass, into warmth and action?